In 2016, in partnership with Indian Railways and Jaipur Municipal Corporation, Cartist embarked on a novel project to transform Jaipur Railway Stations into Open-Air Art Galleries. The motive behind this initiative was to connect society with rich art and heritage, breaking the monotony of daily lives and providing tangible, aspirational, joyful, colorful, artistic spaces visible to the passersby.

Under this project, a team of artists refurbished the physical space of the Jaipur Railway Stations and painted them with traditional art forms, such as Jogi Art at Jaipur Main Railway Station , Katpatli Art at Jaipur Gandhi Nagar Railway Station with innovative themes and colors,Skylines of jaipur at Jaipur Durgapura Railway Station . Apart from heritage and rich culture preservation, it brought a step closer to the Clean India Initiative. Renovating Public places in such initiatives gave a platform for the local artists to showcase their talents and earn their livelihoods. The success of this pilot initiative by Cartist was adapted by Indian Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu to paint other Railway Stations on a Pan India level.

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